“Yoga with Yvonne gets you up and gets you straight, physically, emotionally and in your thoughts. She is strict but gentle... so diligently gentle... serious but funny... so cracking funny! She is sensitive to personal requirements in detail, but also extremely good at working in groups and building community. Balance is present in her class in so many ways. The form in which Yvonne organizes her lessons — repeating the poses to master them but also constantly innovating — gave me strength and confidence and guided me to feel body parts that I did not suspect where there. She kept me wondering what surprise would I get the next class.
Yvonne inspired me to give my best effort and got me results that kept me going, overcoming my strong tendency to quit exercising. After six months of her yoga, I was amazed with my achievements. For example, I could touch the floor with the palms of my hands for the first time in my life. Before, I could not even get there with my fingertips, not even as a child.”